GOD Bless! Vivat JESUS!
Knights of Columbus Council 14730KOC Events
Social Night
“On the Second Thursday of every month, right after our council Business Meeting, we have a Social Night, to be held at one of different local venues. Please be alert to your emails each month for the location .
This is a wonderful informal setting to enjoy time with your Brother Knights , get to know one another, INVITE PROSPECTS , and continue our wonderful brainstorming for service opportunities!
Knights of Columbus Council 14730 Officers Meeting will be the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 P.M. The Officers Meeting will be held online, through Zoom.
Knights of Columbus Council 14730 Business Meeting will be the Second Thursday of every month at 7:00 P.M. The Business Meeting will be held in person and online, through Zoom. After the Business please join us for Social Night, a wonderful informal setting to enjoy time with your Brother Knights ,