The global pandemic of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is upon us and is impacting and disrupting the routine of our daily lives in many ways. The President of the United States has just declared a national emergency. However, it is not a time to panic, but it is necessary to use common sense and take precautions to protect our members, families, and loved ones. The Supreme Knight, Carl A. Anderson, and the State Deputy, Scott A. O’Connor, have made several important recommendations to prevent the further spread of this disease. See the attached letter of Carl A. Anderson dated March 11, 2020 and the letter of Scott A. O’Connor dated March 10, 2020 which will be posted on our new council website.

Therefore, in accordance with the recommendations of the Supreme Knight and State Deputy, ALL FURTHER OFFICER AND GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS ARE SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Any future meetings that are necessary will be conducted by conference call after sufficient notice is provided. Advance notice will be given of cancelation of activities scheduled on our calendar of events for the rest of the fraternal year. Because we are a fraternal organization, we should keep in contact with one another with a phone or email tree and pray for those who become ill. With our new council website you will have access not only to our council news but also to news from the Supreme and State websites. As this crisis develops there may be many ways to serve our brother Knights and others.

As Father Larry Richards taught us in the St. Louis Parish Mission this week that what is necessary in life is PRAYER and LOVE. Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth. 1 JN 3:18. Father Larry told us about the power of prayer in healing his illness, but he reminded us of the necessity of BELIEVING. Now is a time to pray for each other and for the end of this worldwide disease. Let us not forget that as Knights we are especially people of FAITH and we put our TRUST IN GOD and implore his divine protection.

May you and your loved ones all keep safe and in good health. You will be in my prayers.

Richard S. Powers
Grand Knight
St. Louis Council 14730